Rapping is Major's #1 love and passion.
"I was honored to be the Beast in our play on Broadway. This was a great opportunity for me to work on my skills for music creation and vocals."
- Major

"Major McEachin is an incredible asset to Our Broadway. He is a real pro when it comes to learning lines and playing a role. He brilliantly played the Beast in Beauty and the Beast. He really is a very good actor and can convey a soft side as well as a very scary demeanor. He was the lead hyena in The Lion King along with his fellow Zulu P members Tyrone and Andriena. In every show, I ask them to rap about whatever the theme of the show is, and they do it magnificently. He is a true leader in the group and every one of the performers looks up to him. He will be playing the greedy Mr. Dawes in our upcoming production of Mary Poppins."
- Dale Hensley, Our Broadway Director

Dale invited Major to go and see the musical, "ain't too proud"

The two of them had a great time experiencing the musical together